I am not a creature of habit. I'm a will-nilly fly by the seat of my pants sort of person. I really can't think of one thing I do habitually. However, with my dear husband leaving for a year, I would like to get in the habit of writing this blog as a sort of journal for me and way to keep connected to what's happening here at home for him. I haven't written since my first post, which was weeks ago, because I couldn't think of a single topic to address. There are so many things occupying my brain and time these days. Most imminent is Rudy, the new puppy. He has to be in my sight or in a crate at all times. Whew.
Our first grandson was born a week ago. That event deserves it's very own post. I think I'm still processing that one. A true miracle on so many levels.
Then there's the kids, our finances, home improvement projects, the state of our country, shopping lists (grocery and otherwise), upcoming events, Joe leaving, etc etc etc etc.
I just started reading a new blog which is well written with lots of photos. It makes me feel good just to read it. Could I ever create something so clever?
So, this post is a JUST DO IT thing to help me develop the habit, hopefully, so that the original goal of journaling/connecting will be met.